Monday, April 16, 2012

I Can Breathe

Literally, that is.  I have mono.  Isn't that totally ridiculous?  I am a 30 something year old mother of three that has mono.  I thought that only teenagers got this?  Not suprisingly I am wrong - just like last year when I thought that only children got pink eye.  Nope.

Anyway, it is an awesome day.  I am no longer using 35 tissues every day and the windows are finally open! 

I love that!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Scenes From The Week

I'm trying to do better with my picture a day gig so I've gotten into the habit of lugging my camera around with me.

Here's Monday thru Friday:

Waiting for Big Sister to get done with religious ed. class.

Our regular dinner guests.  My husband really hates toys at the table.  As for myself
I pick and choose my battles.

Legos during lunchtime.  My 4 yr old is starting to get into them.  I loved Legos as a kid and think
that they are still a great toy.

Hungry Hungry Hippos.  Not surprisingly much cheaper than when I was young.  And I'm not talking
price either.

My oldest and her Squinkies.  I find these things in the most peculiar places.

And today, another preschool party for my boy at the local bounce place.  He's already bouncing off the walls so I can only imagine what some cake and juice are going to do to add to the insanity!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Why am I so Cheap?

I ask myself that question quite a bit. 
I rarely treat myself to things. 
I remember being young and my mom would take us shopping a lot but would never buy anything for herself.  It was always stuff for me or my sister and I'm the same way.  I actually get more pleasure out of buying things for my kids and seeing them happy.

Of course I don't want my children to be "spoiled" and sometimes we have had several meltdowns in stores when I announce that just because we have to go somewhere does not necessarily mean that there will be treats bought.  That's a whole other story though...

I recently found a pair of ballet style TOMS.  You can see them here.  So pretty and I really like their philosophy.  But holy crap, 79 bucks?  That's craziness.  I don't think I've spent more than $40 on a pair of shoes since I got my first "real" job graduating college.  I just don't know if I can do it.

I have also agonized over a Smith and Hawken weaved wooden pumpkin in Target around October. I told my husband all about it and when I was finished he asks "so how much was it?"  I say "oh, 8 dollars"  and he just rolls his eyes.  I know, ridiculous.  Although I know that he can appreciate me being like this more often than not! 

I am very grateful that at the moment I can torture myself with these types of decisions instead of trying to decide whether I should pay the electric bill or by groceries like many people these days.

Who knows, I may just get them after all...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's Valentine Day

Well I had some plans to do for the kids this morning but really only accomplished one thing.
Banana pancakes.  And I'm happy to say that they were a hit with everyone.
Procrastination.  It gets me every time.

These came on Monday morning...

It only took 6 and a half years of marriage to get flowers from the husband!
Truthfully though, I not a big valentine's day or flowery type girl.  But I do love them!

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Am Not Eating That

I hear that phrase from my 7 year old at least 4 out of the 5-6 nights I make dinner.
It starts while I am preparing the meal and doesn't end until it stares her in the face at the table.

It's starting to get a little old... but won't be stopping any time soon.

Last night I made a recipe that I had 'pinned' during another episode of time wasting on my part.  Chicken Broccoli Supreme from this blogger.  And it doesn't use any of the cream of chicken, mushroom, etc. types of soup.

The picture looked like a crowd pleaser.  What's not to love about recipe that includes chicken, butter, cheese, and not a load of preservatives?

Turns out that she was "not eating that".   

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our Afternoons

This was one of my pictures for Project 365 earlier this week. 
 It's what most of our afternoons have been looking like lately.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A great 25 bucks spent

I used to have a lovely little crockpot.  Round, white, a gift from our wedding.  Then one day I accidentally let the cord slip onto a hot burner on the stove and a strange smell, albeit a familiar one, filled my heart with a second of panic.  The result?  An unusable crockpot, or so I thought.  But wait, I could save it with a roll of electrical tape I thought to myself.  And that's exactly what I did.
Fast forward a couple of days when I plugged it in and to my horror big flashes of hot white sparks fly out of the outlet.  It was over.  I had to buy a new one.